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Writer's pictureAnchored In Christ

Three Key Biblical Truths to Take Hold of As You Step Into Easter

Updated: Apr 9, 2023

The Lord is visiting many around the world, the sick are being healed, paralytics are walking, the blind are seeing. Over nine years ago it was during Easter week that I got baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. It was also during around this time that I got the opportunity to teach kids at a local church, ant that the Lord granted me a great victory over the enemy. It was during Easter week that Mary Magdalene saw the resurrected Jesus, who also visited the Apostles shortly afterwards (Jn 20).

Easter is a reminder that Jesus died for us, He the Son of God paid the price for our sins and iniquities. He bore our shame and took upon him the chastisement that were to rest on us. Easter is also a reminder for us that Jesus resurrected and crushed death. “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” 1 Cor 15:55.

But why did Jesus die and resurrect for us? Before He came, we were sinners due to the adamic fall which introduced spiritual and physical death into the world, and separated us from God. Through his death and resurrection, we have been reconciled with God, obtained victory over death, and inherited many spiritual blessings in Christ.

Meditate upon these truths, let them sink into your spirit so that you can be renewed and transformed in Christ.

Reconciled with God

When Jesus died on the cross, the curtain of the Jewish temple was torn apart, which signified that we all received access to the presence of God. Heb 4:16 says that we can all boldly come before the Throne of Grace to obtain mercy and find grace. By accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, we become children of God, receive life in abundance or eternal life, and have our sins washed away by His precious blood, which justifies and makes us righteous before God (2 Cor 5:21). "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" Rom 8:1.

Victory over Darkness

Colossians 2:14 -15 "having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."

The demons you are trying to fight now or that are oppressing you, they have been disarmed at the cross over 2000 years ago. What are you fighting for again? Get into the presence of God and lean on the cross of Calvary, and that reality will be made manifest into your life.

The evil decrees that were made against you have been nailed at the cross. They have no power against you. Romans 8:33 says "Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies."

Spiritual Blessings In Christ

Becoming children of God has brought us into unprecedented spiritual dimensions with Christ Jesus in God the Father.

  • We have become heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17)

  • We belong no more to this earth for our citizenship is in heaven (Phil 3:20)

  • We are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms, far above principalities, powers and rulers of darkness (Eph 2:6)

  • We are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ in the heavenly realms (Eph 1:3)

  • We become a chosen people unto God, a royal priesthood and God's special possession (1 Peter 2:9)

This is our nature in Christ. We are priests unto the Most High and are called to exercise that priesthood in Christ. When you become someone's special possession, that person would do anything to defend, cover and guide you. This is what we have in Christ and how God sees us.

This season is so crucial. The Lord is doing mighty things and setting captives free during this time, and you cannot afford to be passed by. This is a moment to spend in the presence of the Lord, to meditate upon the death and resurrection of our savior, to realize how.much he has loved us by suffering on the cross and bearing upon him our sinful nature. He who was without sin took upon him our sins. There is no greater love than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends, and we are God's friends if we do what He commands us.

God loves us so much. I have experienced God's goodness and love and there's nothing like it. If you are in the midst of struggles and feel like your giving up because of unanswered prayers, I have a message for you: this is the time to stay and labor in the place of.prayer with gratitude and hope so you can see the glory of God in your life. This is the time to rise up and become conscious of your authority in Christ

I have been on the brink of death so many times, and every time God said to me: you will not die but you will live. I am proclaiming God's love because it is real. God's love for us is greater than the hatred of our enemies. It is far above evil rulers and powers of this world. It has surpassed the persecutions and struggles of this age.

Jeremiah 31:3 says "The Lord appeared to us in the past saying: I have loved thee with an everlasting love. And with unfailing kindness have I drawn you towards me."

My Prayer for You is that you may see God's love through darkness, that you experience freedom and be set apart for God's glory, that darkness looses its hold over your life, that you stand firm in the faith, and that THE ONE who seats upon Mount Zion arises and fights your battles, shows you great love, care and compassion.

Obadiah 1: 17 "But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions."

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