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The ABCs of Prayer

Updated: Apr 16, 2023

This is a short guide that answers the new believer's questions about prayer.

What Is Prayer?

Communication or conversation between you and God.

Types of Prayers

  • Prayer for God’s matters

  • Prayer for others (families, leaders, nations, communities, ministries. etc.)

  • Prayer for self

Forms of Prayers

  • Regular everyday prayers

  • Intercession (consistent prayers on behalf of others and non-personal situations)

  • Supplication

  • Fasting (abstaining from food and/or water for a number of days)

  • Congregational prayers

Why Do We Pray?

  • For the Kingdom of God and His Will to be manifested on earth (Mat 6:10)

  • To ask for the forgiveness of our sins (1 Jn 1:9)

  • To request something (material or spiritual blessing) from God

  • To request God’s intervention in a particular situation

  • To seek God’s guidance concerning a particular matter or area of our lives

  • To grow spiritually

What To Do Before Prayer?

Prepare your heart and find a quiet place/time where you won’t be bothered and can fully open your heart to God. Your prayer can be spontaneous or prepared, and in both cases, the Holy Spirit will lead you. You can look for verses or write down your prayer points beforehand.

How To Pray? - Posture

Position yourself as you feel led by God and depending on your physical ability (e.g., stand, kneel, lay down, seat). No matter the posture, approach God with reverence in your heart and manners.

How to Pray? - Talking to God

Talk to Him like you’d do it with someone you know loves and deeply cares about you. Talk to Him like you’d do it with a trusted friend, parent or relative. Talk to Him openly, honestly, sincerely and respectfully, knowing that he knows all the thoughts of your heart and has the power to grant or deny what you ask of him.

How to Pray? - Content of prayer

Ask God your earnest heart desires which fall within His will (Ps 2:8 & Mat 7:7). Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you while praying (Rom 8:26). Pray with faith and in the name of Jesus.

How to Stay Focused During Prayer?

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the grace to stay focused

  • Turn off or put your phone on silent mode

  • Set an alarm or put on a music playlist

  • Find a quiet place where you won’t be bothered

  • Clear your schedule so you aren’t bothered at that time

Where To Pray?

Anywhere (room, holy mountain, car, room, etc.). As long as you find a comfortable place where you can fully open your heart to God. It’s recommended that you also pray in your private room (Mat 6:6).

When To Pray?

At any time of the day you can call upon God and he will answer you (Ps 50:15). It’s recommended that you also set regular and consistent prayer times to talk to the Lord.

How Long to Pray?

As long as you can or depending on how you feel led by the Holy Spirit to pray. Some spend hours and others a few minutes with God. The more time you spend in His presence, the more you'll get to know Him.

What To Do After Prayer?

Have faith and expect the impossible, even if situations show the contrary. Because faith is hope for things we don’t see yet (Heb 11:1). Keep on praying until you see tangible results.

How Does God Answer Prayers?

The response to your prayers can come in multiple forms. Visions or dreams of the solution. An Idea that you didn’t have before. A revelation through the Word of God. A message of God given to someone for you. Whatever else God wants.

When Does God Answer Prayers?

God is not limited by time but in general prayers can be answered before you pray, while you pray or after you pray (Ps 27:14 & 2 Pet 3:9)

What Do We Get From Prayers?

  • What you asked for & more than what you asked for, thought or imagined (Eph 3:20)

  • Things God feels you’ll need to get through a particular situation

  • Faith, strength, protection, communion with God, and many other blessings

What To Do After Prayer Is Answered?

  • Praise God (through utterance, songs, and psalms)

  • Acknowledge him before others by testifying in church or to someone to help strengthen their faith

  • Honor God as you feel led by the Holy Spirit

  • Give a thanksgiving offering

  • Keep building up your relationship with him

What If You Don’t Receive What You Prayed For?

Keep praying until you see the results or at least have a clear direction of what God says or wants for you in that particular situation. Mat 7:7 & Num 23:19

Thank You For Reading. I hope you've been blessed by this guide. Comment if you have any questions or comments. Like and share with someone else. If you'd like a free PDF of this guide, please email us at Stay Blessed!

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