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Through the Word of God

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The Good News of Salvation

Understanding the Power of Salvation, what Christ accomplished by his death and resurrection, and standing on the Power of the Cross.


Biblical Encouragement

No matter the amount of anxiety, pain, depression and loneliness, know that God LOVES you. Draw strength from his Word and Promises for your life. 


Prayer Guides

Prayer guides to guide your faith journey and needs and provide you with a solid foundation to stand against the lies of the enemy and claim your victory in Christ. 


Biblical Characters

Men like Abraham, our Father in the Faith, have paved the way for us to know the deep things of God. Learn from the inspiring and courageous life of men who encountered God to strengthen your faith journey.

Featured Posts

James 5:16
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed."

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